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My Story

Hello! My name is Tzina and I graduated as a lawyer from the Dimokrition University of Thaki, at Komotini.

First thing I did when I graduated is to look for an internship that can offer me to put what I've learned in action and make me a better lawer. However, all I could find is employers who asked me to work 5 to 6 days for about 8 hours per day with a medium to low salary. There was no such app back then and

the only way to work as an intern under proper circumstances was if you had someone who knew someone, who himself knew someone

and you know how this goes, right? I had no choice, so I took such an internship. You know, it is so hard to find an internship which matches your schedule.

You' re not an aggregator.

But #MyPraktiki is.

And it is YOUR aggregator.

I'm opening my own office soon and one thing is for sure...I'm hiring #MyPraktiki and all of my internship offers will be linked to them.


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